Saturday, September 25, 2010

D210 TV September 25 Episode

D210 TV BRINGS YOU STAR POWER Airing September 25th This Weeks Featured Interviews: * Singer Justin Bieber * Actor Leonardo DiCaprio * Comedian Michael Coylar * American Pianist and Band Leader Peter Duchin * Silver Dollar Ball Chair Amy Wagner * Singer Keite Young About D210 TV D210 marks the first Texas independent producer to contribute programming to Time Warner Cable's statewide network. Produced in Texas. D210 showcases celebrity interviews, entertainment news, fashion, music artist spotlights, music videos, sports and local charity events. Air Times: Friday 7:00 pm & 10:00 pm Saturday 1:30 am Sunday 7:30 am Monday 1:30 pm & 4:30 pm Tuesday 12:00 am Markets/Cities served by the Texas Channel: Dallas (Channel 185) Waco, Austin, Waco, San Marcos, San Antonio (Channel 888) Corpus Christi, Rio Grande Valley (Channel 100) Powered by: Time Warner Cable

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